Month: November 2019

November 8, 2019

Learn to speak Chinese fluently


Fluency in speaking a language comes only when you are talking to some natives of that particular language. This is how one can get proficiency in any language.When it comes to Chinese if you have ever had a question, how to speak Chinese? Or if you want to have the natural accent of the language while speaking, you can try out some tips and tricks to come out of the translation of your native language into Chinese word to word and sign up for the program run by the following website  for the better-spoken skills in Chinese. If you do this, it seems to be more fluent as well as natural while you are speaking Chinese.

Do slight modifications when learning the language

The first youare the utilization of more the filler words. “nèige” is the most common and frequently sued filler word which most of the china people use, and it means that one. This word can be placed anywhere in the sentence you are talking, and the other filler word which is commonly used is the “ránhòu,” which means then. With the help of these two filler words, you can improve your fluency while speaking Chinese.

how to speak Chinese

For the best spoken Chinese, you need to get the tone of the language as Chinese is a tonal language. If you consider the English language, there is a way for pronouncing “a.”But in the case of the Chinese, the tone differs when speaking “a,” and each tone has different meanings. The tones in Chinese are escalating, flat, dip, etc. this concept might seem hard, but once practices will take you to the level of perfection.With the help of standard demonstration, the tones can be practised correctly and you can try your level best in learning the tomes, which are four in number initially of your spoken Chinese.

Watch Chinese programs for excellent speaking skills

The Chinese sentences need to practice and just not to remind them or remembering the Chinese words or the Chinese characters. If you sign up for a Chinese immersion program, the Chinese will talk to you, or the other way is to simply watch the tv programs on Chinese and get yourself engrossed into the language background of Chinese.


Chinese can be learned with the professionals who empower people with exceptional mandarin skills, and you can learn the language 3x that is three times as fast as you can learn any other language, and you can achieve the results to the best with the approach known as the flipped learning approach. And this can be done anywhere and anytime online at the comfort of the individual thus enhancing the language skills in Chinese.

November 7, 2019

Babyhood and English Nursery Hong Kong

The younger ones are always curious to learn more and more in spite of the fact if it is essential to know or not. Their ability to develop learning for the toughest things makes it important to offer such a platform where they get to shape their minds in all the dimensions. One such medium where your child can get complete immersion and bilingual programs with absolute understanding is offered here. For such a tender age learning is important but what matters most is to develop an intellectual and artistic approach of the kid.

Give a chance to your kid to Explore English learning

You can teach almost anything to the kid by following the golden rule of “fun and learn” because no matter how numb the lesson is if it is taught in an interesting manner the child would not forget it.Such amenities are present at this platform in abundance and for more reference, you can consider visiting What else you get-

  • They help the children to involve fitness, balanced diet and nutrition in their day to day activities
  • Their set of moral values makes the character a distinct and valuable asset to have
  • They always prioritized on learning through ethics

English Nursery Hong Kong

They are well renowned to help children master learning

Located as the highly recognized english nursery hong kong they have the best-qualified teachers. They also believe in inculcating the feeling of confidence and better essence of life in the child because nurturing the child initially is more important than educating him later. This is a medium that will offer you the best pre nursery School and a campus that will help your child develop relevant skills in his early life. In the pursuit to sharpen the mind and evolve most intrinsic characters in life School learning tops the list for the kid. Being a parent you only want the best for your children where there is no possibility for any sort of compromises.

What is your take?

For detailed inquiry or other interrogation, you can refer for briefing. In the early stages of kid curriculum activities and basic skills helps them to develop a better prospect in life. Every child is unique and has a different pace and grounds to learn something so superimposing any of the learning wouldn’t work in the long run. This platform believes in focusing on the individual interest of every kid and helps them develop their abilities in the field of concern as well. They also help children built self-assessment and regular planning through which they will not only conquer the academic levels but will significantly develop social skills too.

November 2, 2019

Progress and corrected in IELTS course

It is also possible to follow his progress thanks to detailed statistics, and a follow-up of his performances. Finally, we also provide available answers to all questions that include a detailed explanation from teachers. You will, therefore, benefit from british council hong kong ielts quality English courses that will allow you to perfect your level in the language of Shakespeare.

Free webinars

Our platform also offers free webinars which are for us an innovative way to continue the training of students and professionals at the passage of the IELTS.

You will have the opportunity to ask for ielts past paper download any questions that bother you before the day of the exam and you will have the opportunity to address topics that interest you. These webinars are accessible to everyone without subscription obligations.

To find work more easily

Stand out

The IELTS is a fairly general test, its results are quite suitable for the business world. Thus, when you are actively looking for a job, having an extra element such as a good IELTS score can certainly benefit you in the face of other candidates with the same qualifications. It is always important to stand out. With the current economic context in France, having a degree attesting to your level of English is an advantage that should not be taken lightly. An assiduous preparation and an exemplary application will quickly be rewarded by a very good test score.

Council hong kong ielts

Motivation and globalization

Indeed, companies already appreciate the approach of candidates who pass these language tests, because it shows their motivation and their desire to succeed.

Language skills are also very popular with recruiters who are increasingly looking for people who speak English, due to globalization increasingly present in the world of business that pushes them to work more regularly in the world. an environment where English has become necessary to continue working in the market.

What do IELTS scores mean?

The IELTS score series from 1 to 9. Each score corresponds to a higher or lower level in English. It brings together the four competencies assessed by the IELTS: oral comprehension, written comprehension, oral expression, and written expression.

Analysis of your score

  • If you score less than 2.5 / 9, you are A1, which is considered an absolute beginner.
  • If you get a score between 2.5 / 9 and 4/9, you are at level A2, which is a beginner, at the Baccalaureate level.
  • If you get a score of 5/9 or 5.5 / 9, you are at level B1, considered intermediate, middle level.
  • If you get a score of 5.5 / 9 to 7/9, you are B2, intermediate, but high with fairly regular practice.
  • Finally, if you score above 7/9, you are at level C1, advanced level, with a daily practice or previous experience in an English speaking country.
November 1, 2019

Learn more about online digital agency courses

Choosing online digital agency courses is a critical decision for any business. The mobile channel is an ever-growing power in the field of marketing, and the company cannot simply ignore this situation. Investing in the right agency will naturally lead to positive and profitable results, and, conversely, a wrong agency will only lead to a significant loss of capital. The following is a quick guide to finding the best agencies.

The first step, of course, is to collect your potential choices. Of course, you can ask friends, family members, and colleagues. You can also refer to classified ads and catalogs. Given that mobile marketing is a reasonably new business, it is advisable to rely on the Internet when compiling the source code. Mobile marketing agencies use alternative and advanced technologies to conduct their business, so, of course, they can not be found anywhere except on the network.

Then do your homework and read the profiles of the agencies you have chosen. Please note that there are marketing agencies that focus on all niches, and there are agencies that specialize exclusively in mobile marketing practices. The latter, without a doubt, is recommended, especially if you only need to complement your existing marketing tools with mobile strategies. Also, make sure that the online digital agency courses of your choice have good experience with mobile accounts. Reading reviews and reviews online can help you figure out the reputation of these agencies.

online digital agency courses

When you’ve already tested your potential mobile marketing partners, the next step will be to submit requests for proposals. This is the time when you need to contact each agency and introduce yourself and your business. If agencies agree to send offers, they will need a few interviews from you, which means you should be available most of the time during the agency selection period.

When you have already received all the answers, now your task is to compare the agencies with each other and evaluate which one gives the most advantageous offer. When assessing their solutions, you should take into account the duration of the agency’s experience with mobile marketing campaigns, the size of the agency, and, of course, its financial stability. In addition to this, first of all, you must make sure that you are pleased and impressed with the quality of the agency’s creative products.

Select two or three agencies as a finalist and schedule a meeting with them – one at your company’s offices and the other at their own facilities. By doing this, you and your other employees will be able to discuss with your agency information about your company, its goals, objectives, and, of course, your digital marketing tasks. Agencies, on the other hand, will have the opportunity to talk more about their achievements, methods, and creative approaches to creating SMS campaigns, mobile websites, telephone marketing applications, augmented reality programs, and other new telephone marketing strategies.

The last step involves sudden death – you need to drop the bomb and say which agency you want to work with. To do this, you need to call all the losing parties and inform them of your decision. You should not forget to thank them for offering their best offers and briefly explain why you came to your conclusion. Finally, you can call the mobile marketing agency of your choice and congratulate you.