Things to Know About Becoming a Firefighter
If you have decided to become a firefighter, you have probably done research about what a firefighter’s job is like. You may even be preparing for the mental and physical rigors of the coursework at a local firefighting school, such as a Texas firefighting school. However, do you know what is required to become a successful firefighter?
Firefighter Training
Before you can apply for firefighting jobs, you will be required to complete firefighter training at an accredited school. This coursework gives you foundational knowledge and basic firefighting skills. However, it is only one step in the process toward becoming a firefighter.
EMT License
Most firehouses require that you have some medical training and an EMT license before they will hire you because firefighters also respond to medical emergencies. This licensing also reduces the time you have to spend at a firefighting school or academy.
Additional Schooling
Prospective firefighters should also consider completing an associate or bachelor’s degree. Although degrees are not required for hiring, they make a candidate more attractive for promotions and career advancement. Although the degree field is up to the individual, prospects should also take fire technology and other fire-related coursework. Building construction and communication are also important courses.
Start studying for and taking your firefighting tests early.
Firehouses conduct background checks on their applicants. Therefore, drive safely to avoid tickets, and obey the law to avoid arrests. Address any anger management issues early.
Your future firehouse wants to know that you care about your community, so volunteer work is highly desired. You can volunteer anywhere and do any type of volunteer work. However, you may choose to volunteer in the medical field or at fire stations.
If you volunteer or stop by fire stations, you can learn from individuals who are on the job. They will share their experiences, open positions and job requirements with you as you get to know them.
Start your firefighting career on the right foot through preparation and attending a reputable firefighting school. Your future firehouse wants to know that you care about your community, so volunteer work is highly desired. You can volunteer anywhere and do any type of volunteer work. However, you may choose to volunteer in the medical field or at fire stations.
If you volunteer or stop by fire stations, you can learn from individuals who are on the job. They will share their experiences, open positions and job requirements with you as you get to know them. You will be required to complete firefighter training at an accredited school. This coursework gives you foundational knowledge and basic firefighting skills. However, it is only one step in the process toward becoming a firefighter.